Sunday, May 13, 2012

Steps to develop good writing skills in English

1) Read Books
If you're an avid reader, then this should not be a problem for you. Reading books helps you get a better grasp of the English language. You're able to see how people use certain words or construct sentences apart from the examples on your language handout or references. Plus, you'll also gain more confidence in your own writing style.
If you're not a fan of books, you can always read short stories or feature articles online. Even some magazines will help you develop good writing skills in English.
2) Start Writing
If you want to develop good writing skills in English, you're going to have to write something at some point. A lot of people who keep journals are able to practice their English very well. I suggest you do the same as well.
If you prefer typing to actual writing, that's not a problem either. Your writing skills will not be impeded by whatever method you choose to use. Writing in a notebook will not necessarily make you a better writer than typing on your computer. However, stick to the one you're more comfortable with.
If you don't want to write a diary, try writing essays. In my case, I often enjoy writing "what if" essays. Ask yourself a "what if" question and answer it in essay form. This way, you won't run out of ideas and tire of the exercise immediately.

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